Episcias, because of their trailing habit are well suited to hanging baskets. Episcias can be propagated from stolons or tip cuttings. Episcias do well in a soilless mix consisting of one part Jiffy Mix (one part peat moss to one part vermiculite) to one part perlite. Also add a little lime to the soil. They can also be grown in long fiber sphagnum moss. Fill 2/3 of the hanging basket or shallow pot with foam peanuts. Then place the soil mix in the upper 1/3 of the pot. Episcias have a shallow root system. Fertilize with every watering with 1/4 strength of a granular fertilizer such as Rapid Gro. Some growers alternate weekly with a fish emulsion fertilizer. Episcias require about the same light as an African Violet (12 – 16 hours per day). They do well in a light garden, on the porch or in a window with filtered light. Episcias thrive with high humidity (50%) and hot days. They really thrive in hot steamy St. Louis summers. At temperatures below 50°F they will die.








Episcia 'Hallelujah'
Episcia 'Hallelujah'
33a Episcia 'Pink Smoke'
Episcia 'Pink Smoke"